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Cotton Barrier Damping Compound Foam Barrier Golf Carts
Vinyl Barrier

Automotive Sound-Deadening Materials

Soundproofing your vehicle can be a game-changer when it comes to comfort and is always worthwhile, especially if you spend a lot of time traveling. While most vehicles offer some form of automotive insulation and sound deadening, it often falls short of anyone’s ideal. Using the appropriate sound-deadening material for trucks and recreational vehicles is especially important, as these vehicles are not only used for getting to and from, they are also where you sleep and relax. Our products offer soundproofing for vehicles from semi trucks to everyday vehicles. Whether you’re a mechanical hobbyist or a professional, our products are an ideal choice as they have been selected and included in our lineup because of their effectiveness and superior quality.

Damping Compound

While it may not be the cheapest or most simple option, using car soundproofing spray such as a damping compound can make a substantial difference. Damping compound is applied to the underside of vehicles to reduce road noise and provide thermal insulation. Sprayed directly on the metal frame, the application is typically handled by a professional while your vehicle is on a lift.

Vinyl Barrier (MLV)

A vinyl barrier is often used in vehicles such as sprinter vans, travel vans and courier vans and is ideal for reducing common road noise. The low profile of this material makes it great for use just about anywhere, but it is typically installed within door panels and within the ceilings and floors of vehicles.

Cotton Barrier

Lightweight and effective, cotton panels are used within the door panels for reducing exterior noise. With options from low-profile 1-inch thickness to higher-profile 4-inch thickness, there are options suitable for a variety of needs without adding much weight.

Foam Barrier

Offering superior acoustical absorbency properties, a lightweight foam barrier is used within door panels of cars and trucks, in gas-powered golf carts and under car hoods to absorb sound. This option has a higher profile than cotton panels and is used where space isn’t a problem.

Adding soundproof insulation material to cars, trucks and RVs should always be handled by a professional or with expert hands-on guidance. Contact our team if you need any assistance in selecting the right products for your project.

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SoundAway Closed Cell Foam Soundproof Mat | 1/4" x 3' x 4' SoundAway Mat PSA sheet, 1/4" x 3' x 4'

SoundAway Mat PSA, 1/4" x 3' x 4' sheet, is a dense, soundproofing closed cell foam designed to block and absorb sound. Includes a pressure-sensitive-adhesive (PSA) backing to simplify installation.

Our Price: $88.00
Buy High-Density Soundproof Mats | Closed-Cell Foam Mats SoundAway Mat PSA sheet, 1/2" x 3' x 4'

SoundAway Mat PSA, 1/2" x 3' x 4' sheet, is a dense, soundproofing closed cell foam designed to block and absorb sound. Includes a pressure-sensitive-adhesive (PSA) backing to simplify installation.

Our Price: $99.00
SoundAway Closed Cell Foam Soundproof Sheet | 1" x 3' x 4' SoundAway Mat PSA Sheet, 1" x 3' x 4'

SoundAway Mat PSA Sheet, 1" x 3' x 4', is a high density, soundproofing closed cell foam designed to block and absorb sound.

Our Price: $128.00

UltraQuiet LEED Certified Acoustic Cotton Panels | 4" x 2' x 4' UltraQuiet Acoustic Cotton Bass Trap Case, 3 each 4" x 2' x 4'

UltraQuiet Acoustic Cotton Bass Trap, 3 per box each measuring 4" x 2' x 4'. UltraQuiet panels are your choice for environmentally friendly, "Green" product that is LEED certified. UltraQuiet Acoustic Cotton Panels meet Class 1 fire-rating, excellent bass trap.

List Price $173.55
UltraQuiet LEED Certified Acoustic Cotton Panels | 2" x 2' x 4' UltraQuiet Acoustic Cotton Panels 3# Case, 7 each 2 x 24 x 48

UltraQuiet Acoustic Cotton Panels, 3# density, 7 per box each measuring 2" x 2' x 4'. UltraQuiet panels are your choice for environmentally friendly, "Green" product that is LEED certified. UltraQuiet Acoustic Cotton Panels meet Class A (ASTME-84) fire-rating, excellent sound absorbers, and available in multiple colors to match your decor.

List Price $307.30
UltraQuiet LEED Certified Acoustic Cotton Panels | 1" x 2' x 4' UltraQuiet Acoustic Cotton Panels 3# Case, 14 each 1" x 2' x 4'

UltraQuiet Cotton Acoustic Panels 3# density, 14 per box each measuring 1" x 2' x 4'. UltraQuiet panels are your choice for environmentally friendly, "Green" product that is LEED certified. UltraQuiet Cotton Acoustic Panels meet Class 1 fire-rating, excellent sound absorbers, and available in multiple colors to match your decor.

List Price $448.00
Mass Loaded Vinyl Sound Barrier with PSA | 1/8" x 4.5' x 30' SoundAway Barrier MLV 1# PSA, 1/8" x 4.5' x 30'

SoundAway Barrier MLV PSA, wide roll, 1/8" x 4.5' x 30', greatly simplifies your installation process with a peel-and-stick pressure-sensitive-adhesive (PSA) backing on one side of your noise barrier.

Our Price: $522.40
Noxudol Sound Damping Noxudol 3100 Liquid Sound Damping Compound, 5 Gallon

Noxudol 3100, 5 gallon pail, is a water-based, viscous elastic compound manufactured specifically to dampen unwanted sound and vibration. Noxudol 3100 converts sound energy into minuscule amounts of heat energy resulting in an overall noise reduction. In addition to its sound damping properties, Noxudol offers rust protection and is fire-retardant.

Our Price: $550.00